Saturday, January 28, 2006

People who mistreat animals

I absolutely hate people who mistreat animals. No not dislike, I loathe the mofo's who do.

I hate people who beat their animals, I hate people who starve their animals and I hate those who dont provide adequate shelter for them.

everywhere I look I see stray animals or dead animals in the road. These animals belong to someone who did not care enough about them to make sure they were fenced in and they wandered out into the road and were struck by oncoming traffic.

I dont understand why people would buy a dog to keep it tied to a chain 24/7 with very little exercise. Furthermore they keep these dogs tied in the backyard, yet they claim these are supposed to be watchdogs.

I remember that a lady I worked with told me that her grandmother once put three puppies in a bag and threw them off a cliff into the sea. This made me so angry i had to leave the room at that point. How heartless do you have to be to do something like that.

I hate people who raise pitbulls to fight.This is inexcusable in my opinion.

I wish there were laws that instituted minimum standards about who should be allowed to keep pets.

End rant

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Descent into disbelief

well this day has been an interesting one so far. i am currently doing some training sessions within the company and I have been astounded at the level of waste we have incurred over the years

i am currently re-evaluating the friends i have. thats all i am going to say for now. there will be some cuts. definitely

I am a Cynic

...and damn proud!

Testing 1 2 3.